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ClearCorrect: Realign Your Smile Without a Mouth Full of Metal

ClearCorrect: Realign Your Smile Without a Mouth Full of Metal

Many civilizations used crude forms of metal braces for millennia. In fact, a Roman tomb in Egypt even reveals a gold wire for binding teeth. 

While this ancient method has been revised over the years, the time has clearly come for an alternate solution – custom aligners, such as ClearCorrect®.

Dedicated dentist Danny Jeon, DMD, keeps you smiling with ClearCorrect at his office in Tucker, Georgia.

ClearCorrect versus wire braces

Removable ClearCorrect aligners work with your mouth, not against it. Wire braces cause a host of problems, such as:


Metal braces inflame your gums, making it especially challenging to prevent the swelling, bleeding, and tenderness of gingivitis.


Bad breath from braces comes when trapped food and bacteria create an odor. That’s why it’s so important to brush and rinse with mouthwash or water following every meal. 

Fortunately, you remove clear aligners before each meal, so trapped food ceases to be a problem.

Plaque build-up

Food and saliva lead to plaque and tartar, which causes tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues.


When you wear braces, your teeth and gums can become irritated. As your gum line recedes, more of your teeth become exposed, making them even more sensitive to sweets and hot and cold beverages.

White spots

Braces often cause demineralization, or white spots, on your teeth as trapped food mixes with bacteria to form acid. Unfortunately, these permanent stains may lead to cavities. 

Dr. Jeon recommends ClearCorrect aligners to set your smile straight while also reducing the wear and tear of braces on your teeth and gums.

How ClearCorrect differs from Invisalign®

Dr. Jeon specializes in ClearCorrect. Newer and generally less expensive than Invisalign®, ClearCorrect helps adults and teens align their teeth without the hassle and unsightly appearance of wire braces.

Fashioned from a proprietary ClearQuartz triple-layer material, ClearCorrect provides a continual application of force to your teeth. It’s most suited for permanent teeth. 

Invisalign uses a thicker, more flexible material, while ClearCorrect aligners are thinner and less visible, which is a real plus. Dr. Jeon’s patients continue to embrace aligners as an alternative to painful braces.

How ClearCorrect works

Dr. Jeon uses a series of customized ClearCorrect aligners to adjust teeth over 1-2 years. The aligners help fix crooked, crowded, and/or poorly-spaced teeth. Patients choose from 6, 12, or unlimited sets. 

Our team reviews your situation to decide which is best. Then, we send the impressions of your mouth to the ClearCorrect lab, where they create a model of your teeth. We map each step of your treatment plan.

When using ClearCorrect, you:

We periodically check your progress to ensure your alignment continually improves.

The answer remains Clear

If you’re ready to embrace ClearCorrect or discuss other dental issues, simply call our office at (678) 233-2945 or book an appointment online today.  

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